This short documentary follows the stories of three young Lebanese individuals who embarked on a journey to seek new opportunities abroad. Through a collection of cherished Lebanese objects, they reflect on their homeland and the exciting prospects that await them in their new homes. It deals with the topics of immigration and memories. It was […]

Meet Soumaya, a remarkable woman from the Bekaa Valley who has been an integral part of Al Khayrat, an agri-food company specializing in pickles. Watch the video where Soumaya shares her journey from early marriage to her dedication to becoming an accomplished business woman. She tells us about her experience with the Lebanon Export Academy, […]

Maha Mrad, founder of Spreadly, kicked-off her first export plan to export her products to France and the Netherlands, using the knowledge &skills acquired from the #LebanonExportAcademy. Her goal? To reach 10 new retailers by end of 2022. This documentary was developed for the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) as part of the Productive Sectors Development Programme […

Ruba Fayyad, Sales & Marketing Manager L’arome healthy cookies & delights graduated from the first cohort of the Lebanon Export Academy, the first-of-its-kind in Lebanon that equips women and men-led MSMEs and Cooperatives in Lebanon with the required know-how and practical export skills. Learn straight from this inspiring business leader how she was able to apply the acquired knowledge,